Tukanga whakauru

Whakaūngia ana te kawa e Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Pito Mata mā te whakamāhi i ētahi tukanga me ētahi ture. Ki tēnei whārangi koe kite ai i ngā kōrero e mārama ai ki ērā i mua i te tuku tono.

  • Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Pito Mata have some processes and rules that reinforce the kawa, te reo Māori and tikanga of the kōhanga. This page will guide you through those before you find a link to the tono form.

Te tukanga

The process

He whakaahua o te tukanga. Ko te kākano te tīmata o te tukanga, katahi ka uru i te whare, katahi ka whanake te kākano. A process diagram showing first a seed, then a wharenui, then a grown plant.


Whakakī i te puka tono ki tēnei paetukutuku, ka tae te tono ki te Ohu Tuakana-Teina, ka tukua ngā kōrero whakamārama ki a koe. Ka tukua te tono ki te whānau hei whakatau i te wāhi e ai ki te ū ki te reo Māori me te kaupapa o te kōhanga.

  • Expression of interest tono form completed on this website, Ohu Tuakana-Teina notified, tono process information sent to applicant. The tono is presented to the whānau who will determine your priority on the waitlist based on commitment to te reo Māori and the kōhanga kaupapa.

2. Te toro

Ka pōhiritia, hei waenga i te 9am me 11am i tētahi Wenerei, hei reira tuku ai i ō pātai.

  • An invitation to visit, Wednesday’s from 9am to 11am, with an opportunity to raise any queries.

3. Te uiui

Ka wātea ana tētahi tūranga, me whakakī i ngā puka whakauru, me tētahi mahere reo me te waitohu i te oati. Ka whai ake ko tētahi uiui i te taha o tētahi kaiako me tētahi o te whānau.

  • Upon a position becoming available, full enrolment pack to be completed including a language plan and signed commitment to our oati. This will be followed by an interview with a kaiako and whānau representative.

4. Te kawa me te oati hui ā whānau

Ka whakatauhia te tono ki te uru mai ki te kōhanga ki tētahi hui ā-whānau, ki reira koutou tuku ai i te oati. Ka whakaritea te mahere e tau ai te tamaiti ki roto i te kōhanga. Ka whakaritea he whānau hei manaaki i a koutou kia waia ai ki te āhua o te kōhanga.

  • Invitation to join kōhanga is formalised at hui ā-whānau where in-person tono and commitment/ oati made verbally. Whakatau and transition plan made for tamaiti with whānau and kaiako. Tuakana whānau assigned.

5. Te whakaū

I te Noema o ia tau whakauru anō ai te tamaiti tae noa ki tōna putanga i te kōhanga.

  • Re-enrolment November each year until the tamaiti graduates or leaves.

6. Te rere/ puta

Ka whakaritea te tamaiti ki te piki ki te kura.

  • Transitioning the tamaiti to kura.

Te Oati Whānau

Me waitohu, me oati ā-waha hoki ngā mātua katoa ki tētahi hui ā-whānau.

E oati ana tēnei whānau kia:

  1. Neke atu i te kotahi matua e noho tahi ana ki te tamaiti ka kōrero i te reo Māori anake ao te pō, pō te ao kia puta rā anō tana ihu i te kōhanga.

  2. Whakarite mahere reo ā-whānau.

  3. Tautoko i tētahi/ ētahi ohu i te kōhanga.

  4. Tae ā-tinana ki ngā hui ā whānau 12, me ngā wānanga e 4 i te tau.

  5. Whakaū i te kawa, i te reo Māori, i ngā tikanga anō hoki i te kōhanga.

  6. Tuku i te tamaiti ki tētahi kura kaupapa, kura ā-iwi rānei.

  • This commitment is to be both signed and made verbally by all parents or those fulfilling that role at a whānau hui. 

    As a whānau, we commit to: 

    1. At least one parent in the home where the tamaiti resides only speaking to the tamaiti in te reo Māori at all times until graduation from the kōhanga.

    2. Whakarite mahere reo ā-whānau. Creating a whānau language plan.

    3. Supporting at least one ohu of the kōhanga.

    4. Attending in-person all 12 whānau hui (first Wednesday of every month) and 4 wānanga of the kōhanga each year.

    5. Reinforcing the kawa, te reo Māori and tikanga of the kōhanga

    6. Enrolling the tamaiti into a kura kaupapa or kura ā-iwi upon graduation from the kōhanga.

Whānau language plan

Mahere reo ā-whānau

Kāore anō kia whakarite i tētahi mahere reo? Tirohia tēnei whitiata e ako ai me pēhea.

  • Haven’t created a whānau language plan before? Check out this video to learn more.

Kawa me te kaupapa

Kaupapa | Rūmaki Reo

Whakapono | Kotahi Te Atua, Ko Rangi E Tū Nei, Ko Papatuānuku E Takoto Nei

He wharenui. Ētahi o ngā wāhanga o te whare kua tīpako, kua tatau. A wharenui diagram with sections that are highlighted and numbered.
  1. Ngā Pou O Roto | Te Whakapapa, Ngā Kōrero Tuku Iho Te Whaikōrero, Ngā Waiata, Te Kahungunutanga

  2. Pou Tāhū | Te Tino Rangatiratanga

  3. Tāhuhu | Te Reo Māori

  4. Pou Tokomanawa | Te Tikanga Māori

  5. Pou Tuarongo | Te Mana O Te Whānau

  6. Tūāpapa | Te Kawa & Ngā Mātāpono: Kia Kounga, Kia Tapatahi, Kia Ūkaipō, Kia Manawanui, Kia Pono

  7. Ngā Amo | Ngā Pī Ka Rere, Ngā Tuākana


    1. Pillars of learning | whakapapa, stories of our place, formal speeches, songs, and learning about Kahungunu identity.

    2. Front Pillar | Te Tino Rangatiratanga

    3. Ridgepole | Māori Language

    4. Middle Pillar | Māori Practices

    5. Back Pillar | Whānau authority

    6. Foundation | The kawa of the kōhanga and its principles: pursuing excellence for our tamariki, unity, embracing their cultural identity, being committed and true in how we nurture our Tamariki.

    7. Side pillars | Tamariki that have graduated and tuakana at the kōhanga

Factors determining priority


Te reo Māori: 2+ ngā kōrero Māori e noho tahi ana ki te tamaiti ka oati ki te kōrero i te reo Māori anake ki te tamaiti, ā, ka oati hoki ki te ū ki Te Kawa Me Te Kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Pito Mata.

  • Te reo Māori: 2+ speakers residing with the tamaiti commit to speaking te reo Māori only to the tamaiti and commitment to Te Kawa Me Te Kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Pito Mata


Te reo Māori: 1 kōrero Māori e noho tahi ana ki te tamaiti ka oati ki te kōrero i te reo Māori anake ki te tamaiti, ā, ka oati hoki ki te ū ki Te Kawa Me Te Kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Pito Mata

  • Te reo Māori: 2+ speakers residing with the tamaiti commit to speaking te reo Māori only to the tamaiti and commitment to Te Kawa Me Te Kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Pito Mata

Te Puāwaitanga

  • 7:30am – 4:00pm. Heoi, kei te āhua tonu o te wātea o ngā tūru ngā hāora kei waho o te 8.30am me te 3.30pm.

  • Ono marama – ono tau. He tokoiti ngā tūru e wātea ana ki ngā nohinohi kei raro i te rua tau.

  • Kāore he utu rēhita. Heoi, he utu ā-wiki e hāngai ana ki ngā hāora kua whakatauhia i te urunga mai me ngā moni āwhina ā-kāwanatanga e wātea ana.

  • - Mā te kōhanga tētahi kai timotimo Hauora nei e whakarite mā ngā tamariki i ia rā. Mēnā he tikanga kai Motuhake tā tāu nā tamaiti, ka whāia ko tērā.

    - E whai ana mātou i ngā aratohu whakahaumaru kai i raro i ngā ture ECE e hāngai ana ki te pakeke o ngā tamariki.

  • E ahu mai ana te marautanga i Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo (https://assets.education.govt.nz/public/Documents/Early-Childhood/Te-Whariki-a-te-Kohanga-Reo.pdf).

    E rārangahia ana ko te Kahungunutanga, ko te Kīngitanga me te taiao ki te maratanga, me ngā wawata o ngā whānau mō ā rātou mokopuna.

  • He rerekē katoa ngā taumata reo o ngā whānau i ō rātou ake kāinga, heoi, ka whakamātāmua mātou i ngā mokopuna e whakatipuria ana ki te reo e te tokorua mātua/ kaitiaki kōrero Māori.

    Ko te tauira ‘tahi matua, tahi reo’ e whakamahi ana it e reo Māori hei reo matua te taumata kawatau o raro iho.

  • Katoa ngā kaimahi, tae ana ki ngā kairīwhi ka aromātaitia e te Mana Pirihimana.

    Katoa ngā kaimahi pūmau ka whai tiwhikete whakaora whawhati tata.

    Katoa ngā kaiāwhina ā-whānau ka noho ki raro it e mana o tētahi kaimahi pūmau.

    E kore e tukuna ngā Tamariki ki ngā tāngata kāore i te mōhiotia, e whakapaetia ana rānei e wairangi ana i te whakapōauau.

  • E whai ana i ngā ture a te Manatū Hauora. Me noho kāinga ngā tamariki e māuiui ana (tae ana ki ngā nohinohi e whai niho ana), ā, me whai hoki i ngā tūtohinga a te kaiako matua i mua i te hokinga mai.

  • I te nuinga o te wā e whakarōpū ana i ngā tamariki e ai ki ō rātou nā pakeke, heoi, ka whai whakaaro hoki ki te āhua o te tamaiti me ōna anō āheinga.

  • Ka whai mātou ki te manaaki i ngā mokopuna katoa ki te taumata e tika ana mō tēnā tamaiti me ngā wawata o tōna whānau ake. Ka pai ki a mātou te mahitahi ki ngā ki ngā whānau me ngā hinonga e eke ai ngā mahi ki te taumata e tika ana mō taua mokopuna. Ka pērā hoki me ngā take whanonga, ngā tukitukinga rānei.

  • Ka kitea ngā tikanga whawhati ohotata i roto i te puka Resources e iri ana ki ta taupānga Educa (tā mātou pātaka puka ā-ipurangi).

  • - E eke ana tō mātou wāhi o waho ki te taumata e tika ana e hāngai ana ki ngā tau o ā mātou tamariki, me ō rātou nā whanaketanga.

    - E tautoko ana hoki mātou i tā ngā tamariki whai wheako ki ngā hua o ngā momo huarere katoa.

  • - I roto i ngā wānanga o te tau ka matapakihia ngā kaupapa e hāngai ana ki ngā mātua. E wātea ana hoki ki te hui ki ngā kaimahi e rongo ai i ā rātou kupu āwhina. Ka whakamōhio hoki i ngā whānau mēnā he āwhina anō ka taea, he kaupapa anō rānei ka ara ake pēnei me Incredible Years.

  • Āe. E tino āki ana i ngā whānau kia noho ki te kōhanga e rūmakina ai ki te reo me ā tātou tamariki. E whakahaere ana hoki i ngā wānanga i ia hauwhā o te tau, he ngahau ki te katoa, ahakoa te pakeke, ahakoa hoki te taumata o te reo. E tautoko ana i tā ngā whānau whai i te reo ki ngā wānanga pēnei me ngā kura reo, ngā akoranga, Te Pōkaitara, ka tohaina hoki ngā rauemi ā-ipurangi, ngā pukapuka, ngā kēmu, ngā hononga me ngā punua pāho.


  • 7:30am – 4:00pm. Time prior to 8:30am and after 3:30pm are subject to availability.

  • Six months – six years. Vacancies for children under two are limited.

  • We do not have a registration fee. Whānau pay fees weekly and rates vary according to the specific enrolment hours of tamariki and any government subsidies available.

  • - A healthy and nutritious afternoon tea is provided for all tamariki daily. Should there be any specific dietary requirements for your child, food will be prepared accordingly.

    - We adhere to the age appropriate food safety guidelines provided under the ECE regulations.

  • The curriculum is founded on Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo (https://assets.education.govt.nz/public/Documents/Early-Childhood/Te-Whariki-a-te-Kohanga-Reo.pdf). Kahungunutanga, te Kīngitanga and te taiao are woven into the curriculum as well as the aspirations of whānau for their mokopuna.

  • Our whānau have different levels of te reo proficiency in the home, however we give higher priority to mokopuna who are being raised in the language in homes by two te reo speaking mātua/kaitiaki.

    We expect that at a minimum the ‘one parent, one language’ model is used with te reo Māori as the target language.

  • All staff, including casual relievers, are required to be police vetted.

    All permanent staff are required to be first aid certified.

    Whānau who volunteer are always in the company of a permanent staff

    Tamariki will not be released to unknown people or those we suspect to be under the influence of any substance.

  • We adhere to all Ministry of Health guidelines. Children who are sick (including intensive teething) are to be kept home and follow the recommendations provided by head kaiako prior to returning.

  • Generally, tamariki are roughly grouped by age, however we do take into consideration individual development. The ratio for children under two: 1 adult: 4 children. For children over two: 1 adult: 6 children.

  • We will always do our best to meet the individual needs of any mokopuna and the aspirations of whānau. We welcome collaboration with whānau and supporting agencies to meet the needs of the mokopuna. The same approach is adopted for behavioural issues or conflicts.

  • You will find our emergency procedures in the Resources section of Educa, our online documentation portal.

  • - Our outdoor space meets the needs of tamariki of all ages and stages.

    - We also encourage tamariki experiencing all types of weather elements.

  • - As part of wānanga held throughout the year our staff and kōhanga whānau regularly discuss parenting topics. Our staff are also available to meet and provide guidance. We also make whānau aware of any additional support avenues that are made available to us such as Incredible Years.

  • Yes. We strongly encourage whānau to spend time at kōhanga immersed in te reo with our tamariki. We also hold quarterly wānanga ā-whānau which are fun and engaging for all ages and meet varying reo proficiencies. We support whānau to engage in any local wānanga opportunities such as Kura Reo and Te Pōkaitara, and a range of resources from online courses, to books, games, networks and podcasts are shared.

Tukua mai tō kura kāmehameha ki Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Pito Mata

If you feel like this kōhanga reo is the right place for your tamaiti and your whānau, follow this link to start the enrolment process.